Top Health Benefits of Wearing Copper Bracelets
Why Copper Bracelets?

Did you know that the copper bracelet is not merely worn as a fashion accessory, but it is said to have therapeutic health benefits to the wearer? There have been many different studies that have researched into health benefits and separate the myth from the reality.
Does wearing copper really give you positive health benefits or does it merely provide the wearer with a placebo effect with no actual beneficial changes to the body?
Copper is well documented within history throughout different civilisations for its use as medicinal purposes. Within the Egyptian civilisation we witness recorded inscriptions of usage at this time, whereby it is thought that Pharaohs would decorate and embellish their arms, necks and heads with copper jewellery believing it would help save them from their aliments- much like many still believe now. There has also been copper remains found from the Iron Age from excavations that show copper jewellery was even present within this era.
Whilst fashions change and develop the copper bracelet has also evolved into a variety of different designs- but the purpose for healing remains the same.
In this article we take a look at some of the commonly associated health benefits with wearing a copper bracelet.
Copper is thought to have invisible healing properties and medicinal purposes; the most common being around the treatment of arthritis or joint pain, boosting the immune system, treating iron deficiency and anaemia, and promoting cardiovascular health.
Copper Bracelets for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Whilst there are many scientific studies that say there are no proven benefits to wearing a copper bracelet for sufferers of arthritis and joint pain, the subject remains very widely debated amongst those that have experienced noticeable benefits themselves and highly advocate the wearing of a copper bracelet for joint discomfort and pain.
Early users of copper reported that with extensive use and contact with this metal onto the skin, they noticed that their symptoms were alleviated, and allowed more free movement of the joints. This is where it is thought that the idea of then sculpting this metal into something wearable such as a copper bracelet began from.
The healing benefits of ingesting copper through diet are well documented and scientifically proven, whilst however the benefits from wearing copper still remains not medically verified and under debate. Copper is absorbed by the body into the bloodstream from it being in constant connection with the skin, and it is believed that the healing elements of the copper are then distributed around the body to the joint pains that need it. Although there is no scientific backing to wearing copper bracelets, they are regarded by health individuals as something that won’t cause the body any harm and is thought to be well worth trying to see if it alleviates symptoms as a holistic approach to healing.

For the most effective results the copper bracelet should be worn all day every day- much like that of any other piece of jewellery that remains on you always such as a wedding ring or engagement ring as this gives you the maximum chance for copper absorption by the body.
The body has an ability to store copper that is not needed- and use when it is needed- and so the prolonged wearing of a copper bracelet won’t cause any harm to the body. The body can however suffer from problems when it receives too much copper- however the doses would need to be substantial and would likely be taken orally for problems to occur.
Boosting Immune System
Copper has positive effects on helping the body to fight infections and strengthen the immune system. Copper is a trace mineral- or an ‘essential mineral’ that the body needs in small doses which come from our food that are crucial to keeping in well health and developing. So copper is a necessary component of our survival. It contains antimicrobial properties which help to fight and combat viruses and bacteria. Pure copper bracelets contain micro minerals iron and zinc. When the bracelet worn on the skin is combined with the wearers sweat it becomes absorbed into the bloodstream directly. This way is said to be absorbed better than taking supplements as it does not need to pass through the liver.
Iron Deficiency and Anaemia
Iron deficiency across the World is a growing problem especially within women. It is responsible for a huge percentage of anaemic people worldwide. The impacts of iron deficiency and anaemia result in fatigue, reduced resistance to infections, adult females experience a decreased body temperature regulation, stunted growth and mental development. This is not something experienced in only developing countries such as India- where the problem is severe, but it also found in developed countries such as the USA and United Kingdom where the problem is significant also. Many foods are fortified with iron within them in order to try and help combat the problem, whilst the are hundreds of iron supplements readily available on the high street and in supermarkets to buy over the counter.
Copper bracelets which have trace elements of iron and zinc in are a holistic and natural way of getting iron into the body. A process of transdermal micronutrition which simply means minerals and vitamins delivered through the skin happens when the bracelet is worn on the skin.
Wearing a copper bracelet provides a non-invasive and inexpensive way of providing supplementation of iron which will help with iron deficiency and anaemia. These bracelets provide no known negative medical side effects, the only notable effect that some wearers experience is that some people can get a discolouration of the skin, or if you suffer from metal allergies you might get a skin irritation from the copper bracelet.
Supporting Cardiovascular Health
Copper deficiency is linked with cardiovascular disease. Copper promotes elasticity within the blood vessels which regulates the maintenance of healthy blood pressure. This elasticity is vital for the aorta which is the main artery running from the heart to pump the blood around the body. It cannot function properly if the elastic framework is weakened, and copper plays part in this muscle health. Research has shown that low levels of copper within the body has been linked with high blood pressure. Copper bracelets provide another way in which to get the mineral into the body in turn supporting cardiovascular health benefits to the wearer.
As explored within this article it is clear to see that whilst no hard medical evidence suggests that wearing a copper bracelet directly provides any medical benefits the evidence that it aids copper absorption into the bloodstream which then does have a bearing on a number of different health benefits is clear to see.
They are attractive, fashionable, relatively inexpensive, safe to use, give no long negative side effects, and provide a natural holistic way of treating symptoms. With a variety of different designs, and choices on the market take a look at a few here which you might like to purchase.